
History, Content and Restoration of the so-called “Turin King List”

011 44 06 903
From Monday to Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
On Tuesday 27th September 2022, at 6 pm, the Museo Egizio will host the lecture History, Content and Restoration of the so-called “Turin King List”.

The manuscript, the only true list of kings apart from Manetho which includes many unknown kings, was purchased by the consul B. Drovetti around 1820, and was seen and described for the first time by F. Champollion in 1824. Over the last 200 years, thanks to the efforts of numerous scholars, it was possible to combine most of the approximately 300 fragments. The last restoration took place in 1930 by H. Ibscher (Berlin) and E. Caudana (Turin), who cleaned and repositioned the fragments with thin strips of silk. On the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the deciphering of the hieroglyphs, the papyrus was completely restored in 2022 by M. Krutzsch (Berlin). The restoration project followed the new reconstruction developed by K. Ryholt (Copenhagen), who in recent years has devoted himself to the study of manuscript. He added numerous fragments that were not included in previous editions and rearranged many other fragments that were previously placed in the wrong positions. Some needed minor adjustments, while other fragments needed to be moved to an entirely new location. 

As a result, the triad cooperation betaween Turin, Berlin and Copenhagen presents the so-called “Turin King List” cleaned and rearranged, and thereby enabling new studies of the text. 


  • Myriam Krutzsch, Restorer, Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung der Staattlichen Museen zu Berlin

  • Kim Ryholt, Egyptologist, University of Copenhagen

  • Susanne Töpfer, Curator responsible for the Papyrus Collection, Museo Egizio

Introduction: Christian Greco, Director, Museo Egizio.

The event will be held in English at the Conference Room of the Museo Egizio.

Free admission subject to availability, reservation is recommended.

Book via Eventbrite HERE

The lecture will be broadcast via streaming on the Museum's Facebook page and Youtube channel


Kim Ryholt is professor of Egyptology at the University of Copenhagen and specializes in ancient Egyptian history, literature, papyri, and antiquities trade. He has been responsible for the Papyrus Carlsberg Collection and its publication project since 1999. He was PI for Center for Canon and Identity Formation (University of Copenhagen Programme of Excellence, 2008-2013), Co-Pi for CoNeXT directing the sub-project on materiality studies of ink and papyrus (2013-2017, PI Sine Larsen), director of Scientific Papyri from Ancient Egypt (2017-2022), and is currently Co-Advisor for Demotic Egyptian Papyri and the Formation of the Hebrew Bible (2022-2027, PI Bernd Schipper). Recent monographs and edited volumes include Catalogue of Egyptian Funerary Papyri in Danish Collections (2016, co-authored with T. Christiansen), The Antiquities Trade in Egypt, 1880-1930 (2016, co-authored with F. Hagen), Problems of Canonicity and Identity Formation in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia (2016, co-edited with G. Barjamovic), Cultural Encounters in Near Eastern History (2018, co-edited with M. T. Larsen and T. Hertel), Libraries before Alexandria (2019, co-edited with G. Barjamovic), Demotic Literary Texts from Tebtunis (2019, co-authored with J. F. Quack), Hieratic Texts from Tebtunis (2020, edited), Scientific Traditions in the Ancient Mediterranean and Near East (in press, co-edited with S. Schiødt and A. Jacob). 

Myriam Krutzsch has studied conservation and is papyrus conservator of the papyrus collection of the Egyptian Museum Berlin (Staatliche Museen zu Berlin / Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz) for more than 45 years. She has extensive experience in the conservation and reconstruction of papyri. Myriam has worked in collections from around the world and she has collaborated with various archaeological missions in Egypt on papyrus conservation.  Myriam Krutzsch has a wide teaching experience in papyrus conservation and restoration. She taught courses on the conservation, folding techniques of ancient Egyptian texts and papyrus material texture at institutions of Austria, Denmark, Egypt, Germany, Israel, Japan, Poland, Spain, Switzerland, UK and USA. She has also written various articles about those topics.  

Susanne Töpfer has been the curator responsible for the papyrus collection in the Museo Egizio since 2017. Graduating from Leipzig University in 2007, she subsequently obtained a PhD in Egyptology at Heidelberg University in 2013. Before joining the Museo Egizio, Susanne worked as a research assistant at the Egyptian Museum in Leipzig and on the ‘Book of the Dead Project’ at the University of Bonn (2007-2010). As a research and post-doctoral fellow at Heidelberg University (2010-2017) she edited various magical, lexical, and ritual texts from ancient Egypt and produced various publications on these topics. In her role as curator, Susanne coordinates the ‘Turin Papyrus Online Platform’ and research projects concerning Turin papyri; furthermore, she manages the Turin section of the ‘Crossing Boundaries’ Project. Susanne is lecturer at Pisa University since 2019. 
011 44 06 903
From Monday to Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.