
Carnets of Egyptologists by Chris Naunton

011 44 06 903
Dal lunedì al sabato dalle ore 9:00 alle 18:30
Ancient Egypt has always been a source of fascination since the earliest age, the idea of discovering its treasures, unearthing its history by participating in adventurous expeditions is an irresistible fantasy. The Carnets of Egyptologists by Chris Naunton contributes precisely to the construction of this imaginary: a collection of stories of women and men who were the first to unearth treasures and temples, bringing to light a civilization that seemed forgotten forever.

To celebrate the book Monday, December 13, at 6 pm, in the Conference Room of the Museo Egizio Andrea Fanciulli, the editor of the Italian edition of the book will dialogue with the author Chris Naunton in remote connection, to disclose the secrets that led to the creation of this wonderful narrative.

Live streaming on the Museum's Facebook page and YouTube channel.

Simultaneous translation in italian
011 44 06 903
Dal lunedì al sabato dalle ore 9:00 alle 18:30