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Integrated Report 2023
011 44 06 903
Dal lunedì al sabato dalle ore 9:00 alle 18:30
The report and analysis of the results achieved by the Museo Egizio continue with the Integrated Report 2023.

The document aims to measure the value created by the activities carried out during the year through qualitative and quantitative reporting of indicators reflecting the economic, environmental, and social impacts produced by the museum.

Among the numerous points addressed, we highlight the following:

  • Scientific research remains the central axis around which all the activity of the Museo Egizio revolves. In particular, in 2023, in addition to the regular research activity, the Museum focused its studies on exhibit transformations celebrating the bicentenary and on a new exhibition project, the Writing Gallery: a thousand square meters hosting 248 artifacts, a journey through 10 sections to the origins of ancient Egyptian writings, going back in time 4000 years.

  • Regarding interaction with the public, in 2023, the Museum welcomed the highest number of visitors since its foundation, registering a total of 1,061,157 visitors (+16.95% vs 2022). Supporters of the Museum also increased, thanks to new support opportunities such as the You&ME Membership program, which nearly reached 400 memberships. Digital remains a fundamental asset, offering novel ways to share research and provide new opportunities for dialogue with the public: the Museum's social networks saw an overall follower increase of 9.35% compared to the previous year. 2023 also marked the launch of the “Museo Egizio Accessibile” project.

  • Regarding education aspects, the Museo Egizio continues to serve both as an informal learning context and a place for in-depth study. 2023 was characterized by significant exhibit projects: the temporary exhibition The Gift of Thoth first, and then the new Writing Gallery, inaugurating a new course focusing on macro thematic areas. This allowed for experimenting with new modes of active public engagement, particularly with families, producing, for example, the self-guided tool “In Search of Thoth – Detective at the Museum”, a game offering a step-by-step tour through the exhibition rooms.

  • In 2023, the Museo Egizio reaffirmed itself as a rapidly developing institution. On October 26, 2023, the architectural project, designed by the OMA studio of Rotterdam, was presented to the public, along with other ongoing projects. Besides corporate partnerships established in previous years, new synergies were initiated with three companies that decided to support the Museo Egizio in its transformation journey. 2023 marks the year when the Museum returned to Canada with a new exhibition and to China with a highly successful traveling exhibition project. Simultaneously, it experimented with its first “turnkey” exhibition, providing the hosting entity with a range of additional services to complete the exhibition project.

  • The theme of economic sustainability is central. From an economic and financial perspective, 2023 can be considered the final stage of the path set by the reopening in 2015. Despite the biennium heavily impacted by the health emergency, the Museo Egizio experienced a phase of significant expansion in activities and, consequently, in its budget.

To read the Integrated Report 2023 click HERE.

To read the abstract of the Integrated Report 2023 click HERE.
011 44 06 903
Dal lunedì al sabato dalle ore 9:00 alle 18:30