The Book of the Dead of Baki
Dal lunedì al sabato dalle ore 9:00 alle 18:30
The new temporary exhibition of "In the Researcher’s Workshop" is entitled "The Book of the Dead of Baki"and it is curated by Sara Demichelis, an egyptologist from the Soprintendenza Archeologia belle arti e paesaggio per la città metropolitana di Torino, and Susanne Töpfer, curator and Head of the Papyri Collection of the Museo Egizio.
The exhibition, open from 25 March to 5 June 2022, focuses on the papyrus of the Book of the Dead of Baki, which has undergone a long and complex process of restoration and recomposition that began in 2014 under the direction of Dr Sara Demichelis and Dr Elisa Fiore Marochetti of the Soprintendenza di Torino, in collaboration with Museo Egizio, the State Archives of Turin and the Institute of Oriental Archaeology in Cairo.
Susanne Töpfer will accompany you on two special visits on 6 april and 4 May 2022 at 4.30 pm, buy your ticket here.
Dal lunedì al sabato dalle ore 9:00 alle 18:30