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The Museo Egizio rethinks its history: renovating the historical rooms
011 44 06 903
Dal lunedì al sabato dalle ore 9:00 alle 18:30
With its almost two hundred years of life - the anniversary falls in 2024 - the Museo Egizio represents a part of history of the city of Turin: from its foundation to the present, the rooms of the former "College of Nobles" have hosted moments and personalities fundamental to Egyptology and international archaeology, as well as the events of the museum have repeatedly intertwined with the most significant historical stages of Turin and the country.

Monday, October 7 opens the construction site that, with about two months of work during which the rooms will not be visible to the public, will led to a more accessible path to visitors.

The project is developed with the scientific curatorship of Beppe Moiso and Tommaso Montonati and aims at allowing a better understanding of the reason why Turin has the largest Egyptological collection in the world after that of Cairo. Starting with the question "why an Egyptian museum in Turin?", therefore, the link between the history of the exhibits held by the Museum and that of the Turin area, but also Piedmontese and national, as well as the contribution that Egyptologists and archaeologists, including Piedmontese, have made to the discipline and collection of the Museum, will be investigated.

#baroccopiemonte - For information on the project "L’essenziale è Barocco", please visit
011 44 06 903
Dal lunedì al sabato dalle ore 9:00 alle 18:30