Research projects

Faces Revealed Project
Investigating the faces of ‘Yellow Coffins’ through Photogrammetry. Comparison between 3D model and Digital twin for a new analysis of the manufacture, painting techniques and re-use.
Multimedia section
Principal Investigator
Stefania Mainieri
Scientific Supervisor
Christian Greco, Director of the Museo Egizio di Torino (Beneficiary), Kathlyn Cooney, Professor of Egyptology at the Department of Near Eastern Languages & Culture (NELC), University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) (Host Institution) and Corinna Rossi, Professor of Egyptology at the Department ABC, Politecnico di Milano (Secondment)
Partner Institutions
Vatican Coffin Project; Gate of Priests Project; Getty Villa, Los Angeles; Gregoriano Egizio, Musei Vaticani (Città del Vaticano); Musée du Louvre, Paris (France); Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, Leiden (The Netherlands); Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (USA); “Museo Egizio” di Firenze (Italy); Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli, (Italy); Egyptian Museum Cairo (Egypt); Los Angeles County Museum of Art, (USA); The National Museum of Egyptian Civilization, Cairo (Egypt); UCLA Digital Research Consortium; UCLA Library; Cotsen Institute, UCLA; 3x1010 srl; Robin studio srl.
Stefania Mainieri
Scientific Supervisor
Christian Greco, Director of the Museo Egizio di Torino (Beneficiary), Kathlyn Cooney, Professor of Egyptology at the Department of Near Eastern Languages & Culture (NELC), University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) (Host Institution) and Corinna Rossi, Professor of Egyptology at the Department ABC, Politecnico di Milano (Secondment)
Partner Institutions
Vatican Coffin Project; Gate of Priests Project; Getty Villa, Los Angeles; Gregoriano Egizio, Musei Vaticani (Città del Vaticano); Musée du Louvre, Paris (France); Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, Leiden (The Netherlands); Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (USA); “Museo Egizio” di Firenze (Italy); Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli, (Italy); Egyptian Museum Cairo (Egypt); Los Angeles County Museum of Art, (USA); The National Museum of Egyptian Civilization, Cairo (Egypt); UCLA Digital Research Consortium; UCLA Library; Cotsen Institute, UCLA; 3x1010 srl; Robin studio srl.
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A Study of Egyptian Animal Mummy Styles
Multimedia section
Principal Investigator
Dr. Maria Diletta Pubblico
Scientific Supervisor
Dr. Christian Greco; Prof. Dr. Willemina Zwanida Wendrich
Partner Institutions
UCLA Cotsen Institute of Archaoelogy, Centre for Textile Research (CTR) at the University of Copenhagen (UCPH); Lund University (ULUND); Digital Heritage Innovation Lab (DHiLab) at ISPC-CNR
November 2023-October 2026, 3 years
Dr. Maria Diletta Pubblico
Scientific Supervisor
Dr. Christian Greco; Prof. Dr. Willemina Zwanida Wendrich
Partner Institutions
UCLA Cotsen Institute of Archaoelogy, Centre for Textile Research (CTR) at the University of Copenhagen (UCPH); Lund University (ULUND); Digital Heritage Innovation Lab (DHiLab) at ISPC-CNR
November 2023-October 2026, 3 years
Link to the web page. Click here
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