
Ancient Egyptian viziers at Museo Egizio: personal encounters with the “prime ministers” of the pharaonic state – Johannes Auenmüller

011 44 06 903
From Monday to Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
On Tuesday 20th February 2024, at 6 pm we will host the lecture  held by Johannes Auenmüller, curator of the Museo Egizio.

In ancient Egypt, the vizier was the second most important figure in the state after the pharaoh. Studying the inscriptions on objects belonging to them, containing their names, allows for a deeper understanding of their profession as well as insights into their private lives, religious affiliations, professional networks, and their relationship with the king...

Johannes Auenmüller will present the inscribed objects of the viziers from the New Kingdom belonging to the museum's collection: a fundamental starting point to explore their roles as state officials, as well as intriguing details about their personalities.

The focus will be on Paser, vizier during the reign of Ramesses II and well-known due to many inscribed objects preserved to this day: he is one of the most renowned officials of ancient Egypt. Since most of Paser's inscribed objects come from Deir el-Medina, the conference will also address the vizier's particular role in relation to this settlement and its cults.

The lecture will also discuss some unpublished vizier monuments from the Egyptian Museum's collection (two statues as yet unidentified), which the curator is studying alongside Egyptologist Alessandro Girardi for a future publication.

The event will be held in English, admission is free with a reservation on Eventbrite. Click HERE to book your place.

The lecture will be broadcast via streaming on the Museum's Facebook page and Youtube channel
011 44 06 903
From Monday to Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.