Collection and Research

The Museum, the research and the restauration

Research and creating an international network are the areas in which the Museo Egizio continues to invest, in order to grow and to become an established and world-renowned institution: this approach is not only addressed to the scientific community, but also to all those who recognize in the dynamism of the instituition a way to open up to a broad and heterogeneous audience.

Restorations, studies and archaeometric analysis, made with non-invasive methods, allow a cultural growth, benefiting not only the scientific world, but also the wider public.

A step in this direction is the “Restoration Area” that is currently set up on the first floor, which offers to the visitors the opportunity to observe the restorations on the animal mummies of the museum.
Libro dei morti di Kha: analisi e studi
“Un falso autentico: la statua di Neshor” – la nuova mostra del ciclo “Nel Laboratorio dello Studioso”
“Frammenti di storia: Eliopoli si racconta” – la nuova mostra del ciclo “Nel Laboratorio dello Studioso”

Itinerant Exhibitions

Dialogue, scientific research and accessibility to cultural heritage underpin the activities of the Museo Egizio and are placed at the centre of its daily work. In order to achieve this, fundamental is the collaboration with other international museums and cultural institutions. The collection that the Museo Egizio has the honor and duty to preserve belongs to the whole humanity: that is the reason why the objects displayed at the Museo Egizio are often shown in temporary exhibitions, both in Italy and abroad.




The activity of lending the objects contributes to the policy of developing the attractiveness of the collection, guaranteeing its protection and promoting its enhancement and accessibility. In particular, the Fondazione is inspired by the guidelines set out in the document General Principles for the management of loans and the exchange of works of art between institutions (the so-called Principles of London).

The Loans Policy provides further information.