Explore the educational paths

The entire Museum in your smartphone

Take a self-guided tour in three simple steps:

1-Connect to the wifi: MUSEOEGIZIOFREE

2-Open the online audio guide “WEBAPP MUSEO EGIZIO”

3- Enjoy your visit!

The audio guide is free.

Bring your headphones with you or purchase them from the Ticket Office.
Guided themed tours
These are themed tours accompanied by our guides. They will enable you to discover the usages and customs of the daily life of the ancient Egyptians. In the House of Kha, Animals or Gods, Divine Forces and Magic Formulas... these are just some of the routes you can explore to discover the museum’s history.
Set guided tours
Groups: between 10 and (max) 25 people – reservation required (011 4406903 - info@museitorino.it)

With a guide of the Museo Egizio:
90 minutes guided tour: € 90 + € 10 per group (in a language other than Italian: € 110 + € 10 per group), in addition to the cost of the entrance ticket
120 minutes guided tour: € 110 + € 10 per group (in a language other than Italian: € 140 + € 10 per group), in addition to the cost of the entrance ticket

With an external guide:
Cost of the reservation: € 10 per group.
All groups guided by an external tourist guide (who must register at the group tour desk) must use the group tour devices of the Museum, provided at a cost of € 1 per person.

Small groups and families: between 1 and (max) 9 people – reservation required (011 4406903 - info@museitorino.it)

With a guide of the Museo Egizio:
90 minutes guided tour: € 85 per group (in a language other than Italian: € 100 per group), in addition to the cost of the entrance ticket;
120 minutes guided tour: € 100 per group (in a language other than Italian: € 130 per group), in addition to the cost of the entrance ticket.

Individual visitors

Guided tours at established times: on Monday at 11 AM; and from Tuesday through Sunday at 11 AM and at 4 PM. 7€ per person (entrance ticket not included, group tour device included, 120 minutes).
Reservation (011 4406903 - info@museitorino.it) is highly recommended.
Depending on the demand, additional tours can be scheduled.

Schools – reservation required (011 4406903 - info@museitorino.it)

60 minutes guided tour: € 60 per group – free entrance ticket, no group tour device, max 18 participants;
60 minutes guided tour + 90 minutes learning lab: € 140 per group – free entrance ticket, no group tour device, max 18 participants;

Primary, Middle and Upper Secondary schools:
90 minutes guided tour: € 5,50 per student (in a language other than Italian: € 6,50) – entrance ticket not included, group tour device included, 15 paying people minimum;
120 minutes guided tour: € 7,50 per student (in a language other than Italian: € 8,50) – entrance ticket not included, group tour device included, 15 paying people minimum.

Classes accompanied by their teachers (who must register at the group tour desk) must make a reservation and take the group tour devices of the Museum, provided at a cost of € 1 per person.